Thoughts on Proverbs 9:8

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Proverbs 9:8 .
Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you,
Reprove a wise man and he will love you.

If you have read the blog long you know I love Proverbs, and my daily devotional 
Wisdom From Above by Charles Stanley

I was reading this morning in chapter nine, duh! today is the 9th, and came across this verse. And for some reason I stopped there for a while and had some thoughts I wanted to share.
This verse kind of brings us back to one of my earlier posts 

I looked up some commentary, and there is some good info out there, but if you know me, I'm a firm believer in the bible being simpler than some people make it out to be. There's no secret code, hidden meaning behind every verse. God did not have this book written and carried down through the ages for us to confuse us, or to hide the truth from only a select few. It was written to teach and reprove and guide us. My God is not a God of confusion.
What did I get out of this verse?
Stop arguing with non believers!
You can't force salvation down someone's throat.But you can force them to hate you. Then what have you won? They not only are not converted, but now the flesh kicks in and they are NOT going to BE converted. You haven't won anything.
Notice the end of the first sentence, "or he will hate you" so that's an issue. There is a difference between being hated because you are a follower of Jesus Christ, because the world hated Him, (we can expect the same treatment as His followers), and being hated because you are a pushy, arrogant, better than thou, loud mouthed, stubborn Christian who wants to force everyone into seeing the way (which is not always His way)
Being hated as a follower of Jesus Christ is being hated through Him, being hated for being a jerk about it is all your own. Your being hated, not Jesus, YOU, your attitude, your inability to stop arguing, stop pushing, and basically, stop hating.

Our actions are always going to speak louder than our words.
If we are arrogant (because we know the truth and apparently you do not) pushy (because you need to learn the truth) argumentative (because you have no clue what you are talking about) and forceful (because you ARE going to learn today!) it doesn't matter what we are saying. They see our behavior as a reflection of who we are in Christ. And if that's how people who are in Christ act, why would anyone want to be a part of that?

Wouldn't we win more people through our loving, kind, caring actions?
I talk to people about Jesus, I will discuss Him with anyone, but as soon as the tone goes from friendly debate to an argument, I'm finished. We are just going to have to agree to disagree. (I know you're wrong, but I can't force you to see you're wrong) I think walking away keeping a mutual respect will get my point across a lot faster than walking away mad.  
Have you ever had a conversation with someone about something you disagreed on? Of course you have, we all have. If that conversation ended well, you reflect later on. You think about what was said, and the way it was said, and you start to ponder more about the whole conversation.
On the other hand, when you have had an argument with someone, the only thinking you're doing is negative. And then the point of the conversation gets lost in the feelings that were created. Anger, hostility, pride. And over time, you will forget what was said, the words won't matter anymore, but you will remember how mad that person made you.

I have come to the conclusion that if I can not have a conversation with someone and convert them, than I want them to SEE in me the belief, the love and peace that comes from knowing my Savior and my King. I want my actions to show my belief. 
I get so tired of hearing people talk about how pushy, arrogant and yes sometimes downright rude Christians are. 
This doesn't make it easier for anyone else to bring the message.
It closes people down, creates animosity. Then how can anyone else reach them? Then they are truly lost forever. 

Romans 14:13
 13 Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.

I understand the zeal, I really do. But sometimes we are more of a stumblingblock than we are a soul winner. And that is the ultimate goal isn't it? To win souls over to Christ. So that no one would suffer eternal separation from the God who loves us all?

If someone tells you "you're not going to convert me, you're not going to change my mind" they are dug in. You can't argue with them, you can't push them every time you are near them. Because then you are pushing them, just not in the direction you want them to go. 
Let your actions speak when they don't want to hear you words. 


